Tips and tricks into the operation and flying of the first EASA type-certified electric airplane in the world from Pipistrel Academy instructors and Pipistrel test pilots.
Electro ALPHA is a fully electric aircraft and this course will enable you to learn more about its construction and operations.
Virus 121 is an EASA type certificated aircraft that can be used for Part FCL flight training and airwork. It is the only EASA LSA aircraft with autopilot and spin approvals. It is also approved for NVFR.
The ALPHA Trainer is a sales hit of Pipistrel much loved in both the flight training and private environments.
The Virus SW redefined the microlight / LSA category capabilities. Well equipped, fast, and a great traveling machine. The aircraft is fully customizable, but this course covers the most popular. A 100 hp, variable pitch, and Dynon equipped.
You can benefit from our courses even if you do not fly Pipistrel. Learn about the Rotax 912 engine.
By taking this course you will spend the best 50 EUR ever on flight training.Electro ALPHA is a fully electric aircraft and this course will enable you to learn more about its maintenance and IT operations.
This course was prepared by Pipistrel d.o.o. for trained aviation mechanics and was created to support the aircraft in its operations.
This course was prepared by Pipistrel d.o.o. for trained aviation mechanics and was created to support the aircraft in its operations.
Are you a Pipistrel fan and have five minutes of time to kill? Check our fun light aircraft quiz.
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Please see DEMO lesson for a detailed explanation of the difference between permanent and 14-day access.